Feel Younger with a Facelift

As you age, the texture and quality of your skin undergo a change, becoming less elastic and beginning to exhibit sagging and wrinkling. Your facial muscles lose their tone, causing your skin to develop a loose, worn look. This contributes

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The Makeover Moms Want

In spite of being one of the most rewarding experiences in a woman’s life, pregnancy takes a heavy toll. Pregnancy can cause many negative changes to the body. Some of these changes include deflated or saggy breasts; stretch marks on

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Learning More About Injectables

The people have spoken – they want products that fight aging without requiring extensive or expensive cosmetic surgery procedures. That’s where injectables come in. Injectables are specialized prescription medications used for cosmetic treatments. These incredibly popular cosmetic tools have become

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Eyelid Surgery for You

Eyes are the most noticeable facial feature, so you want to be sure that your eyes have the best possible framing. Unfortunately, sometimes your eyelids are overly puffy, drooping, or even cause problems that impair your vision. That’s where science

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Eliminate Gynecomastia with Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the appearance of excess breast tissue in men. What you might not know is that male breasts are a common problem for men regardless of their age. Gynecomastia occurs because of a preponderance of

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Liposuction Recovery – Fat Removal New York City

Regions of stubborn excess body fat can create a look of aesthetic imbalance. Liposuction is a procedure that removes excess body fat in order to reduce certain areas in volume; this brings these areas into better proportion with the rest

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Teamwork Makes Your Dreams Work

When you make the choice to seek out plastic surgery, it’s crucial that you find the perfect plastic surgeon to handle your treatment. At KH Plastic Surgery, our dedicated staff works tirelessly to ensure that every patient receives spectacular individualized

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American Societyof Plastic Surgeons The American Society forAesthetic Plastic Surgery The American Boardof Plastic Surgery Fellow AmericanCollege of Surgeons 10+ 10k+ BOARD YEARS PROCEDURES CERTIFIED